One of the main reasons Carmel and I decided to join Windermere Realty Trust was that they make sure Realtors cross their T’s and dot their lower-case J’s. A Realtor being thorough is crucial during a transaction because it became apparent to us several years ago, as hordes of new agents flooded into the market, that sloppy transactions were becoming more common. Our clients are always protected because we won’t allow them to be put at risk and being at Windermere Realty Trust assures that.
Why is this important? Simply put, selling a house involves a large amount of money which can lead to expensive litigation. Many agents keep sloppy records and a year after closing they hardly remember their client’s name let alone the contractor that was supposed to fix the sewer line or rotting siding. All our documents are reviewed, all our documents are safely stored, and all our documents are available to protect you, our clients.
When hiring an agent trust is important. As a client, a person wants to be able to go to sleep at night knowing that there are no loose-ends and no cut corners. That is the difference you will see with us; we are always doing real estate right!